The First Citizen Of India Is The President And General Public Are The 27th, That Is You & Me. See The Full List.

According to the Constitution of India, the President of India is the first citizen of the country and the general public is at 27th place, so whose number comes in between? Let us tell you, according to the Constitution of India, a complete list has been prepared in which it has been mentioned that who is in the first place and then who is up to 27th position.

Indias first citizen - President of the country
2nd citizen- Vice President of the country
3rd citizen - Prime Minister
4th citizen - Governor (all of the respective states)
5th Citizen - Former President of the country,
5th A - Deputy Prime Minister of the country
Sixth Citizen - Chief Justice of India, Chairman of Lok Sabha
7th Citizen - Union Cabinet Minister, Chief Minister (all concerned States), Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission (presently the Policy Commission), Former Prime Minister, Rajya Sabha and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha
7th A- Bharat Ratna Award winner
8th citizen - Recognized Ambassador in India, Chief Minister (out of respective states) Governors (outside their respective states)
9th Citizen - Supreme Court Judge,
9th A - Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Chairperson, Chief Election Commissioner, Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
10th citizen - Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman, Deputy Chief Ministers, deputy speaker of Lok Sabha, member of the Planning Commission (presently the Policy Commission), Minister of State (Other Ministers of the Ministries related to Security)
11th citizen - Attorney General (AG), Cabinet Secretary, Deputy Governor (including Union Territories)
12th Citizen - Chief of full General or equivalent rank staff
13th citizen- Ambassador, Extraordinary and Full Employers, who are recognized in India.
14th citizen - Chairman of states and speaker of state assembly (all included in the state), High Court Chief Justice (comprising the judges of the bench of all the states)
15th Citizen - Cabinet Ministers of States (included in all states), Chief Minister of the Union Territories, Deputy Chief of the Central Executive Councilor of Delhi (All Union Territories)
16th Citizen- Chief Officer of the staff holding Lieutenant General or equivalent rank.
17th citizen- * Minority Commission Chairman, Chairman of the National Commission of Scheduled Castes, Chairman of the National Commission of Scheduled Tribes, Chief Justice of High Courts (outside their respective jurisdiction), Peugeot Judge of High Courts (in their respective jurisdiction )
18th citizen - Cabinet ministers in the states (outside their respective states); Chairman and President of State Legislatures; (outside their respective states), Vice Chairman of the Monopoly and Preventional Trade Practices Commission, Deputy Chairman and Deputy Chairman of State Legislatures In their respective states), Minister State Governments (their respective states in states), Union Territories and Executive Parity The Delhi (their respective associations within the territories) UT Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in Delhi Metropolitan Council, in their respective union territories.
19th citizen - Chief Commissioner of Union Territories, Deputy Chief Ministers of States (in their respective states) in their respective union territories, Vice President of Legislative Assembly and Vice President of Metropolitan Council Delhi in Union Territories
20th citizen - Chairman and Deputy Chairman of State Assembly (outside their respective states)
21st Citizen - Member of Parliament
22nd citizens - Deputy Ministers of States (outside their respective states)
23rd citizen - Army Commander, Vice Chief of Army Staff and officers equivalent to their rank, Chief Secretary of State Governments, (outside their respective states), Commissioner of Language Minorities, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commissioners, Minorities Members of the Commission, members of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes
24th citizen - Sub-Governor rank officer or officer in front of them
25th Citizen - Additional Secretary to the Government of India
26th Citizen- Joint Secretary of Government of India and officer of rank of rank of rank of rank officer of rank of Major General or equivalent
27th citizen - Twenty-seventh citizens of India are ordinary people like you and me !!
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Devarajan NR,
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